4-Adult Safety Release.pdfThe Lafayette Gun Club Junior Committee partners with the Boys Scouts of America and other junior civic organization like the Civil Air Patrol to provide merit badge or basic marksmanship instruction. Opportunities include the use of LGC grounds for camping. and other junior civic programs
We offer half-day firearm safety and marksmanship training for junior civics programs using the NRA Rimfire Rifle Qualification standard for the Bench Rest Position. All required equipment and ammunition is provided. The cost of participation is $10.00 per shooter. Upon coordination NRA qualification medals may be purchased for $5 each. Refer to program guidelines for authorized wear of the qualification medals.
Scouting USA
Units usually arrive early Friday evening (gate opens at 5:30 P.M.) and camp both Friday and Saturday nights. A Saturday only program that only completes the shooting requirements can be accomodated by request and coordination. We offer both the Rifle Shooting and Shotgun Shooting merit badges with pre-work required to complete all merit badge requirements. The cost of the program is $5.00 per scout that shoots plus shotgun shells (50 per scout size 7 ½ or 8 shot). All equipment is provided except the shot shells. We can support up to 20 Rifle Shooters and 5 Shotgun shooters per weekend. Attendees also complete the NRA First Steps Program as part of the weekend. Schedule/Available Dates:
Date Troop March 28-30 Troop 111
April 25-27
May 23-25
June 27-29
August 22-24
September 26-28 Troop 54
October 24-26
November 7-9
To reserve a weekend, email
A typical schedule for Scouting USA units is:
Friday5:30-6:30 P.M. Arrive6:30 - 8:00 set up camp
8:00 P.M. Safety Class and begin merit badge requirements.Saturday:
8:00 A.M.to 12:00 A.M. Rifle and Shotgun Shooting and firearms cleaning
12:00 P.M. to 1:30 break for lunch
1:30 until complete. Finish remaining merit badge requirements.This prework can be completed at the
individual, patrol, or even troop level.
- We recommend each scout print the Merit Badge workbook for the planned merit badge (recommended, not required) as it is a great place for scouts to record their learning.
- Memorize the three primary gun safety rules:
- ALWAYS Keep The Gun Pointed In A Safe Direction
- ALWAYS Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until Ready To Shoot
- ALWAYS Keep The Gun Unloaded Until Ready To Use
- Become familiar with The Scout Marksman's Code:
- A Scout:
- Always follows the rules for firearms safety.
- Accepts the responsibility that goes with the use and possession of firearms.
- Follows the laws that govern the use and possession of firearms in his community
- Practices wildlife conservation.
- Follows the spirit and the letter of the game laws.
- Is especially careful to be a true sportsman when using firearms.
- Watch this video from BSA: https://youtu.be/LbLwfg8ns4o
- As part of getting to know Virginia Firearms laws, visit the Virginia State Police Firearms Page and determine how old you have to be in Virginia to purchase a rifle/shotgun or handgun. Also read the rules on underage possession of firearms.
- Visit the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources hunting area and see if you can determine what license you need to hunt and what animals have hunting seasons in Virginia.
- Visit the LGC Juniors page to see what programs we offer for junior shooters.
- Finally, we highly encourage scouts to read or at least scan the applicable Merit Badge Pamphlet for the badge they are pursuing. Digital copies are available online at the links below. Both pamphlets have a lot of information and pictures and are great references.
- Rifle
- Shotgun
We looking forward to sharing your shooting sports journey with you.Related Files:1 - Overivew.pdf2- Troop Information Sheet.pdf
3- LGC Minor Permission Slip.pdf
4-Adult Safety Release.pdf
5- Scout Prework with Links.pdf