The primary use of Lafayette Gun Club (LGC) is individual shooting by our members and their guests. However, there are many on-going, organized shooting activities and competitions. While the organized activities are added and deleted according to demand, a partial listing of current activities include:
- High Power Rifle matches
- Bull’s Eye .22 caliber Pistol League
- Practical Pistol matches
- Tactical Shotgun matches
- Rimfire Challenge matches
- Swap Meets
- Ladies Trap
- Junior Programs and Competitions (Air Rifle, Air Pistol, Smallbore, Shotgun)

LGC is constantly looking for ways to apply its unique membership expertise and facilities to serve surrounding Peninsula communities. For example, LGC provides facilities, certified instructors and volunteer members for community service activities to include the Boy Scout Merit Badge Training, High School ROTC Rifle Teams, Law Enforcement Training, and Hunter Safety Courses.
The Lafayette Gun Club fosters the development of patriotism, honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team play, self reliance and personal responsibility.
LGC isa volunteer run, non-profit club. All members of the Board of Directors and over 300 Range Saftey Officers are volunteers.
LGC is proudly affiliated with
The National Rifle Association
Civilian Marksmanship Program
Virginia Shooting Sports Association